RMHC-SWVA: Progress


RMHC-SWVA: Progress

Progress is defined as “a forward or onward movement toward a destination.” Progress assures us that we are not standing still and that there are places to go. As uncertain and unprecedented as the past few years have been, we have all held on to every sign, or inkling, that has made us feel like

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Never Give Up Hope – Cory Hodges Story

Written by Judy Hodges April 10, 2019 Today marks a special anniversary for my husband and me. Parents of a sick child know this special anniversary well. It is the long awaited “finally going home day”. In December 1981 our son was born fifteen weeks premature weighing 700 grams or a pound and a half.

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This is the Year…

to start a fitness program. to eat better. to read more. to take time for myself. Do these sound familiar? Do you have new year’s resolutions each year? Goals to accomplish? While the above are all great ways to take care of yourself, can we suggest one more? This is the Year to appreciate the little, big

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Kaylee’s Story

Written by: David Stanley, Kaylee’s Father December 2021 (Picture: Kaylee visiting House in March 2021 dropping off donations for Online Auction) I had always heard of the Ronald McDonald House, but never really knew what it was. I had given change at McDonald’s restaurants. We had saved soft drink tabs and donated through school. Sometimes

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Go Make A Difference in 25 ways, in 25 days! Join RMHC-SWVA and celebrate the holiday season by going MAD! Use this calendar for inspiration as you plan activities to help make a difference. Go MAD calendar printable version    

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Christian Darrisaw Fitness Challenge

Don’t wait until January 1st to start getting in shape. The time is now! Join the Christian Darrisaw Fitness Challenge to become fit and healthy this fall AND support RMHC-SWVA!   “Hello….I’m Christian Darrisaw with the Minnesota Vikings.  Join me in becoming fit and healthy this fall by participating in MY fitness challenge benefiting Ronald

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Transformation Tuesday – Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn’s mom, Stacie, was diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome at 25 weeks and was sent to Roanoke. Kaitlyn was born 4 days later at almost 26 weeks weighing 1lb and 12oz, her lowest weight at one point was 1lb 8oz.  After a 3 month stay in the NICU, Kaitlyn came home a perfectly healthy baby girl.

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RMHC of SWVA Announces New Executive Director

Shannon Boothe Promoted to Executive Director of RMHC of SWVA Roanoke, VA, (May 5, 2021) – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Virginia (RMHC of SWVA) is excited to announce that Shannon Boothe has been promoted Executive Director of the local nonprofit.  “Shannon has been instrumental in our success for many years now. Her experience

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Christian Darrisaw Announced as New Ambassador

We are so excited to announce a new partnership with Virginia Tech Offensive Tackle and NFL-prospect, Christian Darrisaw.  Darrisaw has built a noteworthy football career as an Offensive Lineman at Virginia Tech. As a freshman, Darrisaw earned ESPN Freshman Midseason All-American honors and secured a place on the 247 Sports Freshman All-American Team.  In 2019,

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Roanoke Valley Gives 2021

  All of you… our neighbors, our friends, our extended RMHC family displayed such generosity to our Chapter yesterday during Roanoke Valley Gives day on March 10th. By sharing our social media posts and making generous donations, you helped us increase awareness and funding for our Comforts of Home program. We had set a goal

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