A 7-month stay at the Ronald McDonald House
An excerpt from the Tree Lighting Ceremony speech…..
Our journey started with a labor of love. At just 24 weeks we were told that the delivery of our unborn twin boys would be within the next 48 hours, if not we could lose baby B and that could cause the loss of baby A. With all odds stacked against their lives, after an emergency delivery they were born 2 days later, February 15, 2017. Kade, baby A weighing 1lb 6.8 ounces at 12 inches long and Keaton baby B weighing 14.1 ounces at 11 inches long. From that day forward through the ups and downs, they fought for their lives. With the end of the week approaching and myself getting discharged the question of what would we do, was upon us. We lived an hour and a half away. Neither one of us wanted to leave to go home without our boys. To be that far away from them seemed like an eternity. An answered prayer came along in the name of The Ronald McDonald House.
To hear the Lester’s complete heart warming story click here.
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